As part of their installation ARCHICACTUS, 2012, presented at Sao Paulo's Casa Modernista as part of the 30th Bienal de Sao Paulo, Sergei Tcherepnin and Ei Arakawa developed a special performance in the house and its gardens.  Channelling the Brazilian Modernist couple Mina Klabin and Gregori Warchavchic (the architect of this important 1920s home), Tcherepnin and Arakawa activated the Casa Modernista and its garden with a sounding stream of emotional tones, abstractions, and weird specificities around a marriage. Diving the audience into two groups (outgrow and autogrow), they conjoined the space and each other using SILVER CACTI which were connected to transducers and wired to amplifiers, functioning as speaking and listening tools.