Crystal world (after J.G.Ballard), loosely based on Ballard’s 1966 novel ‘The Crystal World’, is a dual-screen projection of a video animation representing fragments from a journey into a crystalline universe. As a metaphor for the zone between life and death, the crystal forest is both primordial and an entropic projection of a future. Fusing the visionary dreams of Bruno Taut and the modernist architecture of the Italian-Brazilian Lina Bo Bardi - the installation was produced for the São Pãulo Biennal of 2006 – the work also makes direct visual reference to Robert Smithson and Eva Hesse. Trees and buildings splinter into a confusion of displaced and multiple planes, white shapes mutate and duplicate, time dissolves and rooms transform into labyrinthine spaces. At times inter-titles appear, collages of phrases quoting Ballard’s book.