Roberta Smith, "Lucy Skaer: 'Sticks & Stones' and 'Random House'," New York Times, (19 February 2015)
Ann McCoy, "Lucy Skaer." The Brooklyn Rail (February 2015)
Frank Exposito, "Lucy Skaer," Artforum (30 January, 2015)
Max Andrews, “Lucy Skaer,” Frieze (March 2014)
William Corwin, "Art: Artists on Artists," Bomb, no. 124 (Summer 2013)
Lucy Skaer, "500 Words," Artforum (October 2011)
Tom Gidley, "Reflections on the Golden 'I,'" Mousse (September 2009)
Chris Sharp, "Lucy Skaer at Kunsthalle Basel," Art in America (September 2009)
Dominic Paterson, "Lucy Skaer at the Fruitmarket Gallery," MAP, no. 15 (Autumn 2008)
Melissa Gronlund, "Mining for Gold," Frieze (Nov-Dec 2007)